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- Resource ID
- 3c92f27e-5765-11ed-a573-0242ac140006
- Title
- Southeast US Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (SE US MBON)
- Date
- Oct. 29, 2022, 8:39 a.m., Publication
- Abstract
- The Southeast US Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (SE US MBON) effort is structured to assess ecosystem integrity, advance protection of marine resources, and promote conservation. Specifically, we focus on the integration of ground and satellite observations related to biodiversity to inform ecosystem-based management in and around the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS). This includes supporting the regional NOAA Integrated Ecosystem Assessment, the NOAA Southeast Fisheries Science Center, the FKNMS, the Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, and the State of Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission (FWC) as specific end users of the SE US MBON. The project is led by the College of Marine Science, University of South Florida, in close partnership with NOAA Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Lab, the FKNMS, the US Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS; specifically GCOOS and SECOORA), the FWC Fish and Wildlife Research Institute, the University of Miami, and the Oregon State University. The project has carried out oceanographic surveys of the Florida Keys since 2014 every two months, circumnavigating the FKNMS and south Florida. The project has also contributed to the development of the satellite-derived seascapes served through NOAA CoastWatch, data formatting standards with the Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS), and the biology and ecosystems Essential Ocean Variables (EOV/GOOS) and Essential Climate Variables (ECV/GCOS). https://marinebon.github.io/pages/sfmbon/
- Edition
- --
- Responsible
- dignarueda
- Point of Contact
- Rueda-Roa
- druedaro@usf.edu
- Purpose
- --
- Maintenance Frequency
- quarterly
- Type
- not filled
- Restrictions
- None
- None
- License
- Not Specified
- Language
- eng
- Temporal Extent
- Start
- Jan. 1, 2014, midnight
- End
- --
- Supplemental Information
- No information provided
- Data Quality
- --
- Extent
- x0: -83.57051543196431
- x1: -80.04635046826485
- y0: 24.48038675710842
- y1: 27.97247994598091
- Spatial Reference System Identifier
- EPSG:4326
- Keywords
- no keywords
- Category
- None
- Regions
United States of America