Welcome to the GOOS Biology and Ecosystems GeoNode

The GOOS BioEco Portal is a publicly available tool to monitor the status of the marine biological observing system. The GEONODE is the back-end interface where registered users can upload, edit and manage their monitoring program details including which EOVs and EBVs are monitored; spatial and temporal information; status of the program; data availability and licences; standardisation and protocols; as well as links to applications, tools and outputs based on the collected observations. This GeoNode is hosted and maintained by the secretariat of the Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS) based at the IOC Project Office for IODE in Oostende, Belgium as a service to support the Global Ocean Observing System Biology and Ecosystem Panel.

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638 Layers

Click to search for geospatial data published by other users, organizations and public sources. Download data in standard formats.

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2 Maps

Data is available for browsing, aggregating and styling to generate maps which can be saved, downloaded, shared publicly or restricted to specify users only.

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1 Document

As for the layers and maps GeoNode allows to publish tabular and text data, manage theirs metadata and associated documents.

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494 Users

Geonode allows registered users to easily upload geospatial data and various documents in several formats.

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